Summit Highlights

Some of the great events at Summit

NCI’s High-Performance HVAC Summit has many game-changing events for attendees!  Let’s take a look at some of the exciting sessions you have to look forward to.

Summit Orientation & New Member Meeting

Whether your company is an NCI Member or not, this brief overview will be a helpful introduction to NCI,  the Summit conference, and our membership program,. Our goal is to help you maximize your return on investment in the high-performance HVAC contracting arena.  

Idea Meeting

A fan-favorite, this meeting is for HVAC contractors ONLY!  No press, no partners, just contractors sharing ideas for cash prizes!  All contractors are invited to attend this 2-part event where each participant can propose one or more ideas in the areas of lead generation and sales.  The best ideas split the entry fee for great cash prizes! You are welcome to participate in the meeting even if you do not submit any ideas, but you still need to pay the participation fee. This is a great opportunity to discover some great ideas from your fellow contractors!

Here’s how it works:

  • $20 participation fee due per person at the door, IOU’s not accepted 🙂
  • Gather materials that you may want to share to help explain your idea(s) and bring them to the meeting.
  • Everyone who has an idea to share will be allowed time to present their idea.
  • The moderators will capture the ideas, and then at the end of the two sessions, everyone will vote for the best idea in each of the categories.
  • The votes will be tabulated, and winner announced Wednesday to share the pot!

NCI Partner Educational Sessions

Pick from several special sessions hosted by NCI Member Rewards Partners. Topics will range from new HVAC technologies, to software, to business improvement seminars.  Check back soon for more details.

NCI Annual Awards Banquet

This long-standing tradition is one of the highlights of every Summit. Join us in honoring the best of the best High-Performance HVAC contractors. You may be one of them!

Every year, NCI recognizes individuals and companies in the HVAC industry who not only embody the principles embraced by National Comfort Institute, but effectively put them into practice.

Award Categories:

  • Three Contractors of the Year
  • David Debien Award
  • John Garofalo Implementation Excellence Award
  • Preferred Partner Award
  • Scott Johnson Training Excellence Award
  • High-Performance Sales Excellence Award
  • Chairman’s Award